
318: Remember When We Did Quotes? (Adam)

I don’t actually remember when we stopped doing quotes.

This week Dylan, Kiyan, and Adam take a nice deep dive into Torchwood. It’s been a little while since we watched an episode that so unnerved us that we were shaken to the very core. Our entire notion of reality itself was questioned by this episode, and Adam claimed it so disturbed him he might have to stop watching Torchwood. It’s Adam, written by Catherine Tregenna and aired on February 13, 2008.


1:35: Our latest tweets, knock yourself out. Also check out Krynoid Podcast.
9:05: Check out our classic sci-fi podcast, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
16:24: The only thing I think this song might be is Early in the Morning by The Gap Band.
31:38: According to Britannica, morals are personal and ethics are societal.
35:19: Check out our Blake’s 7 podcast, Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast.
37:00: Actually, their name was the Space Rats.
59:26: Check out our movie trilogy podcast, Triple Play: A Movie Trilogy Podcast.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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317: Shilling for Amazon (Meat)

This week on Amazon ™ podcasts.

I wonder when Amazon will own the world and bring us Amazon Meat ™. I don’t have anything else witty to say actually just figured that that would be a funny joke to make. Meat doesn’t even sound like a word any more but I’m sure if you think about something else for long enough it will be alright again. It’s Meat, written by Catherine Tregenna and aired on February 6, 2008.


1:00: Apparently this is a reference to Hearthstone, the World of Warcraft card game.
18:23: Hey, you should check out Delayed Replay, a podcast that reviews movies that are definitely 100% out and not delayed whatsoever. We’ve been on it a couple times, both individually and together.
23:00: If you like Blake’s 7, check out our Blake’s 7 podcast, Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast.
38:22: If you like classic sci-fi shows like The Prisoner and Sapphire and Steel, check out our classic sci-fi podcast, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
39:46: Never mind, some truck driving courses here can take just a few weeks too. Many are a couple months though.
59:35: Stargazy pie truly has to be seen to be believed.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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316: The Last Bastion of Hope for the English Language (To The Last Man)

You heard it here first, English is dead.

Turns out Kiyan’s entire field of study is dead except for him. You might wonder if you’re stuck inside a strange YA novel, since that seems exactly the kind of thing that would be written into one of those plots. But let me assure you, this is a Shakespeare play, and it’s a tragedy. It’s To The Last Man, written by Helen Raynor and aired on January 30, 2008.


1:30: The Scots Wikipedia is currently going through some difficulties.
3:42: Knott’s Berry Farm is an amusement park in Southern California. It’s called Knott’s Berry Farm because it started as a berry farm.
4:41: Daffy vs. Donald
16:09: It’s defibrillation. Defibulation is something COMPLETELY different.
20:52: If you want to listen to us talk about classic sci-fi shows, check out our classic sci-fi podcast, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast. Also the actor we were thinking of was Kenneth Griffith a.k.a. Kenneth Reginald Griffiths.
1:04:17: I hate myself for loving you music video
1:07:23: If you want to listen to us do what we’re doing here but for Blake’s 7, check out our Blake’s 7 podcast, Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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315: Five Rounds Slow (Sleeper)

It’s like five round rapid without the rapid.

I never did like rapids. People go on and on about how cute they are with their long ears and fluffy tails, but really they’re just rodents, right? Or maybe that was “rabbits.” Eh. Speaking of rodents, guess who “rode int”o town this week. It was the sleepers, their orders to take over finally having kicked in. It’s Sleeper, written by James Moran and aired on January 23, 2008.

8:37: 0118999881999119725…….. 3
11:30: Hey, we watched and discussed Aliens and Alien 3. Not Alien though. Screw Alien.
14:51: According to Smithsonian Mag, “cops and donuts” is a stereotype because donuts places were traditionally open late.
42:20: I can’t believe you’ve done this.
50:03: If you want to listen to us doing what we’re doing here but with classic sci-fi shows, check out our classic sci-fi podcast, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
Some point in the episode: Check out Delayed Replay, a podcast that reviews movies that are definitely, 100% released and available to view and not delayed by the virus.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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314: Jason Bourne is Now a Genre (Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang)

I’ll be over here committing tax fraud during the purge, don’t mind me.

Once upon a time I wanted to be a secret agent. But then I realized they probably wouldn’t like some sort of weird RSA expat who lives in the US. They might not trust that I’d be working in the best interest of the agency I work for. Interesting to ponder. It’s Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, written by Chris Chibnall and aired on January 16, 2008.


3:52: If you want to listen to us do what we’re doing hear but with classic sci-fi shows like Sapphire and Steel and The Prisoner, check out our podcast where we do what we’re doing here but with classic sci-fi shows like Sapphire and Steel and The Prisoner, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
5:45: I confused the name of Shirley Bassey’s rejected theme (“Mr. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang”) with the song I was referring to (“The World is Not Enough” by Straw)
23:03: Now that I think about it, I don’t think Chris actually ever says “Get out” in Get Out.
43:17: “Universal law is for lackeys, context is for kings” – Captain Lorca, 2083 or something.
59:10: Etymonline explains that “dollar” comes from “taler,” short for “Joachimstaler” – “of Joachim” – which refers to coins minted from a silver mine in the town of Joachimstal, which is now known as Jáchymov.
1:05:23: Now Dylan knows.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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313: Date With an Active Volcano (End of Days)

Tune in soon as Kiyan gets yeeted into an active volcano live.

Volcanoes. They’re hard to nail down. On the one hand, they can wreak destruction on an unimaginably immense scale. On the other hand, they’re sources of life. On the other other hand (the Tenth Doctor’s hand obviously), they have nothing to do with this episode of Torchwood, so who cares? It’s End of Days, written by Chris Chibnall and aired on December 31, 2006.


4:45: If you want to hear more about “six of one, half a dozen of the other,” check out Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast, our classic sci-fi podcast on which we’re currently watching The Prisoner. And if you’re reading this long after this episode goes out, then we’ve already watched all of The Prisoner.
25:00: 🌋 (<– this is a link)
27:50: BEHOLD: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/🌋
28:43: Salai’s Mona Lisa looks better than the weird green-sepia in my opinion.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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312: Radically Useless (Captain Jack Harkness)

A whole new level of useless!

I’d like to be a captain. I think it’d be pretty cool to be Captain Dylan or Captain Kiyan. Imagine if we were both captains, and then it would be Captain Dylan and Captain Kiyan discuss Torchwood. Now wouldn’t that be absolutely wild? And then someone could steal our name and… It’s Captain Jack Harkness, written by Catherine Tregenna and aired on December 31, 2006.


5:27: Blink did win the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form
39:22: If you want to listen to us discuss classic sci-fi shows like Sapphire and Steel and The Prisoner, check out Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast, our classic sci-fi podcast.
40:18: If you want to listen to us talk about Blake’s 7, check out Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast, our Blake’s 7 podcast.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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311: Suicide by Weevil (Combat)

Gotta watch out for those Weevil fanatics

Trial by combat takes on a new form when instead of combating each other they combat Weevils. Julius Caesar would be proud of the changes we’ve made to the format. At least I would hope so, since it really is an improvement. Now we only need to put one life at risk at a time. It’s Combat, written by Noel Clarke and aired on December 24, 2006.


3:20: If you want to listen to us do what we’re doing here but with classic sci-fi shows like The Prisoner and Sapphire and Steel instead of Doctor Who and Torchwood, check out Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast, our classic sci-fi podcast where do what we’re doing here but with classic sci-fi shows like The Prisoner and Sapphire and Steel instead of Doctor Who and Torchwood.
9:41: This is how Wayne’s World did product placement.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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310: Topological Memessance (Out of Time)

I met a mathematician once, but he didn’t want to talk about memes.

Sometimes I forget to edit everything, and then I realize that I too am out of time. Just like everyone in this episode. Can you imagine if one day I was editing, and I paused to go to the store and just teleported a million years into the future? What if I found out our podcast had suddenly become a smash cult hit in that time, that’d be super weird. It’s Out of Time, written by Catherine Tregenna and aired on December 17, 2006.


1:45: Know Your Meme calls this Distracted Boyfriend.
28:00: If you want to listen to us doing what we’re doing here but for classic sci-fi shows like The Prisoner and Sapphire and Steel, check out our classic sci-fi podcast where we do what we’re doing here but for classic sci-fi shows like The Prisoner and Sapphire and Steel, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
28:55: Apparently Amelia Earhart has never appeared in person on Doctor Who according to the Tardis Wiki.
59:03: They call it the Gimli Glider now.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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309: Lawn and Order (Random Shoes)

Zoom zoom look at my lawn mower.

There’s a notably small amount of discussion of Torchwood in this episode. I’m not really sure why. Maybe it’s because the episode was boring as hell. No really, it was really boring! And Eugene wasn’t really that sympathetic, he’s a stalker! Well anyway. It’s Random Shoes, written by Jacquetta May and aired on December 10, 2006.


24:41: If you want to listen to us do whatever the hell it is we’re doing here but with classic sci-fi shows like Sapphire and Steel and The Prisoner, check out our classic sci-fi podcast, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
39:54: Eugene by Pink Martini
43:42: It was National Museum Cardiff
54:02: I can’t believe Grandpa Joe Hate exists. But at the same time, I can.
1:22:11: If you want to listen to us talk about movie trilogies or Blake’s 7, you;re in luck. Check out Triple Play: A Movie Trilogy Podcast and/or Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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