
Special 5: The Three Year Anniversary!

We have anniversaries. Podcasts are built on anniversaries.

Yes three years in, and we’re still sitting in front of a microphone every single week just to talk about some nonsense inconsequential television show from fifty years ago. Here’s a look forward for you, we won’t catch up to where the show is right now (The Return of Doctor Mysterio) until 9/22/19. Yes, 2019. We’re here for a minimum of 3 more years. You’re welcome.


00:45 Who made this stuff up?
1:20 You can listen to that too. Here.

You can find us at our regular places. Be sure to follow to be updated on our “The Trust Your Doctor Full Classic Retrospectivaganza” schedule. It starts on the 23rd of April, by the way, because we record stuff a week in advance. 🙂
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