146: Bible of the Daleks (Revelation of the Daleks)

You know eventually they’ll make Bible of the Daleks because there’s only so many words you can use for ___ of the Daleks.

Here come the Daleks again. Is there some sort of unwritten pact that they have to appear for every doctor? Because they have so far. At least for us, I’m not counting the reboot (yet). It’s Revelation of the Daleks, written by Eric Saward and aired in March of 1985.


7:56 The Star Wars Holiday Special, largely regarded as one of the best 3-course dinners of all time, was aired only once on November 17, 1978 B.C. Written, directed, produced, and baked to a golden brown by the artists formerly known as George Lucas and Jar Jar Binks, it has been made widely available in a number of different formats, such as VHS, Blu Ray, Laserdisc, pdf, and cereal box activity. You can check out the Holiday Special in all its glory here.
10:15 Greeks.
12:48 Nope.
19:13 Barrow just changed its name back to Utqiagvik.
20:20 According to this site, countries that list an indigenous American language as an official language are Bolivia, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela. It doesn’t list Greenland, but it’s one too, and there are probably more.
24:27 Yeah, looks pretty cool.
31:46 Apparently it took 5 years, but Terry Garrett completed Ocarina of Time completely blind. Here’s the full playlist of all his Zelda videos.
56:50 Uh… what.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Peter Howell.

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145: The Most Pseudoscience of Pseudoscience (Timelash)

More psuedo than science to be honest.

Sherlock Holmes became a beekeeper after he retired from detective work. Did you know that? Well you do now. It’s Timelash, written by Pennant Roberts and aired in March of 1985. I make a note that it was written by Pennant Roberts, because we constantly complain about McCoy when all he did was direct.


3:41 You wouldn’t want to meet the Jabberwocky. He’s actually pretty frumious in person. The other thing that ended with “-il” were Carol’s ill rhymes.
24:01 Still a pretty cool scene. Kinda want to watch the whole movie again now.
50:43 Check out our other podcast, Trip Flip.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Peter Howell.

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144: Oh Great, The Whomobile (The Two Doctors)

*Whomobile does not actually appear.

This week, the slog through season 22 continues. Luckily our distress call was heard by The Second Doctor and Jamie, so they’re shown up to spice up the serial a bit. It’s the Two Doctors, written by Robert Holmes and aired in February and March of 1985.


3:44 Looks like it was just retconned. Just like how they retconned the Third Doctor into being a world champion hula hooper. Definitely not making this up. Seriously. Look it up if you don’t believe me.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Peter Howell.

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143: Pretty Badly Choreographed (The Mark of the Rani)

I question whether the choreographers even knew how to read a choreograph.

So, the universe is populated by more rogue time lords than we thought. Seriously, every week it feels like they add another one. This time it’s The Mark of the Rani, written by Pip and Jane Baker and aired in February of 1985.


5:33 Yup.
5:49 Another 30 seconds on google only brought up Doctor Who stuff, so I guess it’s a totally original name. This blog gives an explanation of the name (using this as a source) but who knows how true it is? Either way, I really like “Parabola Rainbow Moondancer Galadriel.” That should have been her name.
12:54 The wiki lists a lot more, including Susan and Drax. How could we have forgotten Drax?
16:16 This one. I almost forgot how not good at all Family Guy is.
22:33 No!! NOOO!!!!
32:53 Yeah, it’s a gyroscope.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Peter Howell.

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142: A Mining Smart Car (Vengeance on Varos)

Hey, great idea, let’s use smart cars for mining.

Moving swiftly through season 22 we come to another divisive serial. If you don’t mind me spoiling for a second, quite a few of the serials this season lead to a divide between Kiyan and Dylan, so brace yourself please. The divide this week: Vengeance on Varos, written by Philip Martin and aired in January of 1985.


1:15 Yeah, he was from Planet of the Spiders. Not sure how I remembered that. Guess you can chalk it up to my unparalleled genius, like usual.
4:00 Plug.
34:10 Yeah, I hear they usually just cut people’s heads off over there.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Peter Howell.

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141: Cyberguns Down the Cyberlackeys (Attack of the Cybermen)

Cyber. Cyber. Cyber. Cyber.

Yes this week we begin season 22. Season 22 is quite the experience.  It’s very violent. And to think it all begins with some cybermen. It’s Attack of the Cybermen, written by Paula Moore and aired in January of 1985.


13:34 Black Orchid was one of them. I guess. Ok, actually not, but it’s ok. Cause it’s Black Orchid.
18:55 Like that James Bond movie, The Man With the Goldeneye Goldfinger Gun who Only Lives Twice to Live and Never Die Another Day.
30:56 Sweet dreams.
42:27 All in Siberia.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Peter Howell.

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