
Kung Fu Panda

Anyone notice that kaboom rhymes with doom?

This month we return with not only the newest movies we’ve watch so far (for two months anyway) but also our first animated trilogy! And it was pretty good apparently. It’s Kung Fu Panda 1,2 and 3. Will there be a fourth? The world may never know.


2:52 Little Panda Fighter is another animated movie about those lovable black and white bears. Except the panda in LPF actually isn’t lovable at all. But hey, at least he has some sick dance moves.
5:19 Full interview with director John Stevenson here. John Stevenson is one of the most normal names ever by the way.
8:08 And you can read about their hilarious adventures here.
9:31 Yeah, that was the link above. In the months since we recorded this, I’ve tried to come to terms with the fact that I’ll never appreciate those noodles, but I couldn’t. It’ll haunt me for the rest of my life. Or something.
15:53 Pandamonium! Get it?
17:55 Full interview with Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger. Yup.
26:35 A bit about the development of Kai from the third one.
28:42 More about how KFP 3 was a Chinese co-production.
31:34 Lol.

Other stuff:
Behind the scenes of Kung Fu Panda 2
Which KFP2 jokes did Charlie Kaufman write?
KFP2 premiers in China
Write up from New York Times
Other short review type thing



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