Madame Kovarian

231: The Roast of Steven Moffat (The Wedding of River Song)

Look out Steven, we’re coming for you.

You’ll never believe what happened to us while we were recording this episode. Dylan received a phone call from someone desperately trying to stop us recording. Turns out, our podcast recording last week was a fixed point in time, and the attempt to stop us recording caused the entirety of the space time continuum to fall apart. We put it back together, so you wouldn’t have noticed anything except now it seems the sky is a weird shade of blue. We’re sorry about that, it seems we weren’t quite able to get it back to it’s original yellow. It’s The Wedding of River Song, written by Steven Moffat and aired on October 1, 2011.


5:40 Parts of the Millennium Bridge is made out of aluminum
6:40 It was this thing.
8:57 The Rats in the Walls is a story by H.P. Lovecraft. Also I did bad job describing it here, so just read it.
35:15 Tobias Vaughn

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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