space ship

220: You Came to Doctor Who for Consistency? (A Christmas Carol)

Ran into The Doctor yesterday. She told me not to expect any consistency in Chibnall’s era either.

Ding dong here come the Christmas bells. The Christmas horses. Reindeer. Ok look Christmas is hard to try shove into this description so I’m just gonna give up. Unlike Kiyan I actually like Christmas though. It’s A Christmas Carol, written by Steven Moffat and aired on December 25, 2010.


5:02 Skyscraper is a documentary about William Le Baron Jenney, the father of the modern skyscraper.
11:51 Michael Gambon and Richard Harris were the two main actors to play Dumbledore.
16:08 The Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 changed new year’s day from March 25 to January 1 in Britain.
21:16 Christmas Carol came out in 1843, early in the Victorian era.
42:56 Listen to this and tell me it’s not the worst of all Christmas songs.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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191: Kill the Sun (42)

Perhaps we need to rethink our goals for this podcast…

This week we remind everyone that Nokia totally collapsed. That’s right, that really big phone manufacturer totally ruined themselves. It was no one’s fault but their own. It’s 42, written by Chris Chibnall and aired on May 19, 2007.


0:28 This year’s Eurovision is only a few months away.
1:30 24 ran for more than 200 episodes over like 9 seasons. Jesus.
3:32 Yeah, they do make smartphones. Look at that 3310.
5:12 You can still check out the prologue story thing.
18:09 John Carpenter used his “phone a friend” on Who Wants to be a Millionaire to tell his dad he knew the answer.
22:45 Check out our Blake’s 7 podcast Zenith.
31:54 RIP.
35:20 Challenger was the one that blew up when it launched. That was in 1986. Columbia was the one that disintegrated during reentry in 2003.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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165: There’s a Sun!?! (The End of the World)

Last week (ish) there was a solar eclipse, at which point there briefly wasn’t a sun.

We’re sorry to report that Trust Your Doctor is ending. Turns out the Earth has been destroyed, and we were on it. Bit unfortunate that was, maybe next time we’ll try be as far away as possible when the Earth goes through a catastrophe. It’s The End of the World (as we know it) by Russell T. Davies and aired on April 2, 2005.


8:01 Is Moxx the Max Rebo of Doctor Who?
11:00 The original 1964 version is by Gloria Jones. Had no idea the song was that old, but the one most people know is the 1981 version by Soft Cell.
11:15 It was a White Shade of Pale featured in Revelation of the Daleks. Also this.
39:16 So simple even a 2 year old could figure it out. Why did they change this again?
43:47 Episode 0. Listen to it if you have no idea what this podcast is.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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130: Pimp My Carpet (Terminus)

My new carpet is purple and definitely not copyright infringing.

This week we once again learn why Dylan went into Physics and not English. It’s garment. Kiyan was right, Dylan was wrong. Dylan regrets his mistake, and apologizes to all the linguists who we have offended with our podcast. In other news, they try and talk about Terminus, written by Steve Gallagher and aired in February of 1983.


3:43 Check out our other podcast, Trap Trip.
9:54 🙁
13:47 He later became one of the 28 competitors from Bahamas at the 2016 Rio Olympics.
14:13 They did.
30:36 Garm, garmr, garmest.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Peter Howell.

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74: That’s Making Life Take the Lemons Back (Invasion of the Dinosaurs)

And then it’s making life not exist anymore!

This week Kiyan and Dylan dive into Malcolm Hulke’s final serial, Invasion of the Dinosaurs. To their pleasant surprise, this weeks serial featured quite a fair bit of character development for the UNIT crew, with Benton, Yates, and The Brig all getting some time in the spotlight. Invasion of the Dinosaurs was aired in January and February of 1974.

By the way, the reference no one would get was to Shrek the Musical. You’re welcome.

Here’s a link to the first volume of that ebook by Hugh Pearson: The Lost Lords of Time: Recons Volume One

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.

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