268: Johnny Depp in Wonderland (The Husbands of River Song)

Have you seen Johnny though? He looks like he’s always in Wonderland.

I’ll be honest, I probably won’t even have one husband in my life. So to hear that River has like, 3 at least, and really 15 if you count all 13 incarnations of the Doctor as different people is really impressive to me. I wonder if they all get along with each other. Pretty sure at least two incarnations of the Doctor don’t. It’s The Husbands of River Song, written by Steven Moffat and aired on December 25, 2015.


0:50 Check out our movie trilogy podcast Triple Play. Or if you care even less for your sanity, check out these clips from the live action Grinch and Cat in the Hat movies.
7:09 Andy Serkis played Gollum in The Lord of the Rings.
37:28 Here it is again, the greatest Doctor Who horror fanfic of all time, Boiling Point.
1:13:22 This is the millionth time I’ve linked to this River Song timeline and I have become exceedingly efficient at it.
1:14:19 It was Dave Duerson.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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266: Even More Proof That We Created Doctor Who (Face the Raven)

As opposed to a map show from literally any other country on Earth.

Recently I’ve actually become a bit attached to the crows in my neighborhood. I’ll be moving soon and I’m actually a little sad you know? The crows here just have such friendly personalities I’m going to really miss them. On the flip side, I’ve never actually met a raven, so if you’ve got one you want to share you know where I am. Actually no you don’t, but the point stands. It’s Face the Raven, written by Sarah Dollard  and aired on November 21, 2015.


Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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265: I Feel a New Fan Fiction Coming On (Sleep No More)

Coming soon to Trust Your Doctor?

I purchased my Morpheus system from 3P Enterprises, and it was delivered in quick time. This is the only good thing I can say about the system. Within one month of purchase I’ve started to hear the Morpheus song, even when I’m in my personal sensory deprivation tank. Two months in and I’ve started to notice monsters in the corner of my eyes. My hands are starting to look and more like lobster claws. My significant other has turned into an orchid. 0/10 would not recommend for skipping sleep, although 10/10 replacement for hallucinogenics. It’s Sleep No More, written by Mark Gatiss and aired on  November 14, 2015.


12:12 The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe.
12:40 I can’t believe you’ve done this.
13:00 Jeremiah Denton’s pow video again.
16:48 If you’ve read through My Immortal multiple times like me and want something new in the bad fanfiction genre then check out Sonic High School. It’s actually funnier than My Immortal. There’s also an expanded universe of sequels written by DarkDoomFireMaster himself.
19:05 Check out Zenith, our Blake’s 7 podcast.
24:56 Vin Diesel played Adrian Caparzo in Saving Private Ryan.
30:04 It was John Henry.
42:07 It was As Above, So Below. I’ve never watched this but it might be good.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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264: Perpetuating Society (The Zygon Invasion & The Zygon Inversion)

Society needs to end.

Ok let’s take a moment to consider how weird it would be to have a Zygon procreate with a human. Does that create some sort of Zygon-human hybrid? And if they are can they shape shift, do they still have that ability? Or maybe they can’t but if they can’t then what differentiates them from regular humans? This is hurting my head. It’s The Zygon Invasion & The Zygon Inversion, written by Peter Harness & Steven Moffat and aired on October 31 and November 7, 2015.


Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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263: Rube Goldberg Machine of Disaster (The Girl Who Died & The Woman Who Lived)

I’m pretty sure we’ve had a really similar title to this before.

I remember when this episode title was announced a lot of people were convinced that Amy was going to be in this. Because the title bore some superficial resemblance to the Girl Who Waited. Looking at it now that’s kind of a completely baffling assumption, but you know I see where it comes from. It’s The Girl Who Died & The Woman Who Lived, written by Jamie Mathieson, Steven Moffat and Catherine Tregenna and aired on October 17 and 24, 2015.


2:47 Largest church in the world.
12:15 Our Blake’s 7 podcast is actually called Zenith. I wish we called it just “Blake’s 7.”
25:52 It might be jormungandr.
46:44 Check out Triple Play, our movie trilogy podcast.
49:45 Tell me the new Cats trailer isn’t terrifying.
1:01:01 My Immortal is still going strong 15 years later. (doc includes the full original story and expanded reading material)
1:03:06 The 2015 Jaden Smith face thing.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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262: Your Mind on Memes (Under the Lake & Before the Flood)

I need one of those pictures that shows the faces of people on different drugs with one for memes.

I’m disconcerted by the pace at which we’re speeding through this season, if I’m being honest. It feels like my life is wizzing past my eyes as I die. It reminds me a lot of season 7, which we did in 4 weeks even though the season itself would have aired over something like 12. Or probably, more, if I’m being honestly I’m not actually sure how long it would have take because I can’t remember if they were airing two episodes a week or one at that point in the show’s history. It’s Under the Lake & Before the Flood, written by Toby Whithouse  and aired on October 3 and 10, 2015.


4:40 Brendan from Flight Through Entirety gives his bottom 5 Doctor Who stories in this video.
6:23 The Rescue
14:30 Mark Gatiss wrote Night Terrors.
26:29 I googled bootstrap paradox for you.
33:03 You have 5 seconds to explain why you’re not following Ringo Starr on twitter.
35:15 Foie gras is a food made from force feeding geese or ducks. Balut is an almost-hatched egg eaten whole in the shell.
36:19 The Fisher King is from Arthurian legends.
46:05 Derrida’s scene from Ghost Dance
53:39 Karena (Rigsy’s aunt in Flatline) was actually a deaf character just last season.
58:00 Limited Inc by Derrida. From what I can tell, these are his ideas, not quotes or paraphrases from someone else. Also I was reading this from some notes I took when I read the book, so it’s not verbatim what Derrida wrote, but it’s on page 15 of the pdf I linked.
1:07:03 The events we talk about here are the Goldsboro crash and the Palomares crash.
1:07:55 AIR-2 Genie is an unguided nuke that the U.S. developed to be shot from planes.
1:08:04 The Davy Crockett was a portable nuclear missile launcher.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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261: Good Old Pertwee Gunplay (The Magician’s Apprentice & The Witch’s Familiar)

Everything is a throwback, nothing is original.

What better time to completely revamp the format for the podcast than a moment in the show when absolutely nothing changed in the show? It makes total and complete sense to me, I’m actually not being facetious right now at all. Less things that the audience has to adjust to, you know? It’s The Magician’s Apprentice & The Witch’s Familiar, written by Steven Moffat and aired on September 19 and 26, 2015.


4:51 Sonic screwdriver count. And death count. And character kill count. Due for an update like everything on our site.
6:10 The Morphos were from Keys of Marinus.
7:12 Footage of Getting Over It. Weird that the guy who made this is named Bennet like one of the characters in this episode. Also Frog Fractions should still be playable on this page if you have flash player I think.
31:10 Shannon Sullivan is pretty much the best site to find Doctor Who production info.
1:06:07 Apparently the First Doctor used his signet ring in The Reign of Terror to get some clothes.
1:19:37 The Third Doctor was season 7-11.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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The Matrix

Put down the drugs and listen to Triple Play instead. Please.

This month Kiyan and Dylan digitized and uploaded themselves into the virtual world. No it’s not Tron, it’s The Matrix. Tron doesn’t even have 3 movies, the third one got canceled last we heard. Anyway, read on below for some links and show notes, and listen in to find out how The Matrix got made and what we thought of it.

A good starting place for any self respecting Matrix fan would be The Wachowskis themselves. The New Yorker published a comprehensive overview of their film career that you can read on their website.

If you’re curious about how the Matrix came about, check out this Time article which details not only the conception of the Matrix, but also a lawsuit surrounding its underlying idea.

A great source for background information on the making of the first film, from it’s conception to casting to special effects, would be The Making of The Matrix documentary, included on the DVD releases. It has been graciously posted to YouTube.

The casting of the Matrix was some of the more complex and involved casting than in the previous trilogies we’ve covered. For an overview of this casting, check out this short piece. For a more in-depth look, a lot of our specific examples and notes about Keanu’s casting came from this CinemaBlend article. For just weird casting news and rumors, as well as a glimpse into an early Matrix idea, be sure to read Empire’s summary of that time when Will Smith turned down the Matrix.

The curious conception of the Matrix extended well beyond the first film, and the second and third have many stories behind them as well. For an interesting look at the second film in particular, you can watch a short 20 minute documentary, called PRELOAD, on YouTube.

We mention quite a few fun little facts throughout the episode, most of which center around the extensive Martial Arts training that the cast went through to make the film. You can find more of these over here.

For an in-depth look into some of the visual and special effects of Revolutions, be sure to read this article detailing the final Zion battle scene.

If you couldn’t tell from the episode, both of us loved the practical effects that went into making the freeway scene in Matrix Reloaded. You can see pictures and a nice overview of the 1 mile freeway that was constructed here. For those who prefer the video medium, you can view two different behind the scenes videos detailing the freeway chase scene here and here.

For any other visual and behind the scenes information, IGN provides a good article that can serve as a nice bookend following this podcast episode.

So now that the behind the scenes is out of the way, let’s ask the big question: What the heck happened in these films? If Kiyan and Dylan’s attempt at an explanation left you wanting a more in-depth film analysis, then be sure to read some of their subject material, David Edwards’ The Matrix: An Ideological Analysis.

For those who don’t want a heavy paper to start of 2016, there is also a slightly less in depth plot analysis and summary at TheMatrix101.com.

These show notes started with the Wachowskis, and it seems only fair that it should end with them too. So, here’s a fairly lengthy interview with the Wachowskis, where they discuss all of their films and what happens behind the scenes.

So that’s all for The Matrix. Be sure to tune in next month where we explore some expanded universe Matrix topics, before returning the month after (that would be March, if you lost track) with our next trilogy.

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Audio 3: The Holy Hiatus Trinity (Quinnis)

In the name of Find and Replace, Echoes of Grey, and Quinnis. Amen.

Welcome to 2016, Trust Your Doctor fans! An entire new year for you to anticipate episodes! Coming up soon: our two year anniversary episode! But until then, listen in as Kiyan and Dylan explain the audio drama Quinnis, starring the First Doctor and Susan. It was written by Marc Platt and released in December of 2010. You can purchase it on Big Finish’s website for $8 on download and roughly $14 on CD.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.

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101: K9 Compatible Computer Systems (The Ribos Operation)

Trust Your Doctor is now available only on K9 OS. Please update.

This week Kiyan and Dylan begin an entirely new journey. No they didn’t start a new podcast, they’re just following the Doctor looking for the KEY TO TIME. I put that in all caps because it seemed pretty important. The quest begins with The Ribos Operation, written by Robert Holmes and aired in September of 1978.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.

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