301: A Christian Reading of Torchwood (Everything Changes)

I’m probably the worst person to do this kind of reading honestly.

The title of this weeks episode of Torchwood is surprisingly apt for the change in the show that we’re also going to experience. Which is why Kiyan was able to so expertly make that pun last week about it. Well not much else to say besides that. It’s Everything Changes, written by Russell T. Davies and aired on October 22, 2006.


8:40: If you want to listen to us talk about Blake’s 7, check out our Blake’s 7 podcast, Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast.
9:41: And if you want to listen to us talk about old shows that aren’t Doctor Who or Blake’s 7, check out our classic sci-fi podcast, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
19:04: OR if you want to listen to us talk about movie trilogies, check out our movie trilogy podcast, Triple Play: A Movie Trilogy Podcast.
42:50: All of this is wrong. Cardiff Bay technically is in a river, but if you look on a map, it’s basically right where the river opens up into the sea. So it’s basically the sea. My bad.
50:50: Apparently pterosaurs are the the biggest things ever to fly through the skies lol.
1:29:29: Here’s the cover of The Lives of Captain Jack. Pretty great.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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