Trust Your Doctor

In this stunning podcast, two average guys try to get through as much Doctor Who as possible without going insane. Currently they’re mainlining their way through Classic Doctor Who. 800 episodes or bust, they say. And on the side, well. Books, Audio Dramas, Comics?!? Anything is possible! So in summary: They’re trying to see how much Doctor Who they can take before dying.

Redux 12: PJ Hammond Would’ve Liked This Story (Enlightenment)

PJ Hammond is underrated.

Kind of like how certain Doctor Who stories are underrated. Like The Sensorites. Or Carnival of Monsters. Both stories. Both typically rated under stories that they, for whatever reason, outshine. Actually, I just made that up. I have no idea whether The Sensorites and Carnival of Monsters are generally beloved or not. Anyway, it’s Enlightenment, written by Barbara Clegg and aired from March 1st through 9th, 1983

9:25: Matt Smith was the youngest actor to play the Doctor at the time of his debut.
11:55: I actually found a picture of the chess match in the story, and as it turns out Turlough is playing White and Tegan is playing Black.
18:50: Thankfully Wikipedia has a page explaining what “edutainment” is, and it sounds as corporate as the term itself.
19:33: Bill and Melinda Gates’ divorce is probably going to stay in the news cycle for a while as there are literally billions of dollars and an entire charitable foundation that all need to be sorted out.
20:02: The winner takes it all.
21:48: Poodlegate and that’s all I’ll say on it.
23:43: I couldn’t find any evidence that “doctor” meant “cook” on old ships.
29:51: As promised, our original episode on this was 131: Iron Chef Space.
39:47: I found a whole random little internet forum discussion about the pronunciation of wrath in different countries so that’s neat.
58:08: Time stands still. Thanks, Cambridge Dictionary.
57:54: We talked about Sapphire and Steel at length on our other podcast, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
1:20:: Worry not dear listener, I have a link to the Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon right here.
1:27:27: Yeah we still have this blog thing. Hasn’t been updated in months but oh well.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Peter Howell.

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Redux 11: Choose Sarcasm (Genesis of the Daleks)

You don’t choose sarcasm on a daily basis?

You’re missing out. Kind of like how we’ve missed out for the last 2,100 days on releasing an episode covering Genesis of the Daleks. Why are there no Doctor Who podcasts that only cover Genesis of the Daleks? The world may never know. Anyway, this week it’s Genesis of the Daleks, written by Terry Nation and aired from March 8 to April 12, 1975.

2:20: We did go out in blaze of glory on our Blake’s 7 podcast Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast, which you should check out if you like podcasts, Blake’s 7, or podcasts on Blake’s 7.
2:35: it’s a good point.
15:15: Iron cross
16:15: Adolf Eichmann was one of the military organizers of the “Final Solution”, i.e. the genocide of Jewish people in Germany. Josef Mengele was one of the top scientists in the Nazi regime, performing untold countless atrocities “in the name of science” on prisoners in concentration camps.
48:09: The script for Genesis of the Daleks was released in The Scripts: Tom Baker 1974/5. Weirdly enough it’s on Amazon.
48:42: Here’s the Chakoteya transcript for this episode, I guess.
53:47: The image for Death to the Daleks on the TARDIS wiki actually kind of looks like a fan render and photoshop which is baffling because normally the wiki picks pretty good representative images.
56:56: Genesis of the Remembrance is pretty funny actually, I didn’t believe it at first.
1:20:23: Check out Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
1:21:20: The American Sherlock Holmes tv series was from 1954.
1:23:2: Leicester is just one of those British words that is pronounced nothing like how it’s spelled. Like Worcestershire.
1:26:00: The Airzone Solution
1:28:10: Don’t worry, turns out we actually know exactly why Peter Gabriel left Genesis.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.

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Redux 10: Goings On that are Going On (The Daemons)

Better than going off, amirite?

Look one time the brig showed up at the bar I was at and asked for 5 rounds rapid. Now I thought he meant guns so I shot five glasses off the table. Bartender didn’t like that and made me pay for them. That’s all, that’s the whole story. Wasn’t really that exciting was it.  It’s The Daemons, written by “Guy Leopold” and aired fro May 22 to June 19, 1971

0:54: The Whomobile first appeared in Invasion of the Dinosaurs whereas Bessie debuted in Doctor Who and the Silurians, so far earlier.
5:47: Here is the plot summary that I’m reading in this segment, on the IMDB page for White Witch of Devil’s End. To no one’s surprise the TARDIS wiki has a page dedicated to White Witch of Devil’s End. Turns out it was a Reeltime production and was not made for the season rereleases.
11:02: Artificial hills are a thing in Britain. The Journal of Antiquities has detailed descriptions of a few of them. I always thought these were related to vikings or something, but apparently they were made for various (sometimes unknown) purposes.
13:57: The last witchcraft act was only repealed in the UK in 1951. I have a question though, since the act that repealed said witchcraft act was itself repealed in 2008, does that mean the original act is back on the books?
14:50: The Civil Rights movement went deep into the 60’s and was still going on as America landed on the moon.
36:40: The 7th Doctor Dalek story was Remembrance of the Daleks, so I wasn’t even close.
37:05: Christopher Eccleston says that awe should blow up canon.
42:05: It’s Doctor Who Locations dot net, and believe it or not, it’s still up. It would seem that there was not any interior location filming done for this story, so it was likely a set.
46:48: Pretty sure Kiyan is reading the TARDIS wiki page but if you actually want to know what Beltane is  you should probably go to wikipedia.
56:04: You should watch the 2019 remake of Mission to the Unknown if you haven’t already. It’s pretty great.
1:00:14: If you don’t know the phrase “that activated my almonds,” here’s a neat little primer for you.
1:10:12 Check out our classic sci-fi podcast, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.

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Redux 9: Future Flannel (Tomb of the Cybermen)

Future flannel > present flannel, prove me wrong.

So once upon a time I met this crazed archaeologist, his name was like Toberman or something. He took me to this tomb where he said there was a golden idol he wanted so he went in there and got it. There was this giant boulder and then I don’t really remember what happened next. It’s Tomb of the Cybermen, written by Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis and aired in September of 1967.

1:47: Killer was not the one with IMIPAK it was the one with the plague. You know. Like the one we’re living through right now. Weapon was the one with IMIPAK.
3:42: Goodyear tire company, not to be confused with the Lightyear tire company.
5:08: I was thinking of Janley here.
8:03: I might’ve been thinking of Kemel here, but I barely remember what his role was in Evil of the Daleks.
14:50: Here, once again, is Christopher Eccleston saying that we should blow up canon.
15:25: Luckily there’s no such thing as canon.
17:12: Interestingly, the first time the TARDIS sound effect appears was actually An Unearthly Child, but curiously the TARDIS doesn’t make a noise in Keys of Marinus. The explanation for this is that takeoffs always had the sound effect and landings did not, at least until The Rescue, in Season 2.
18:29: Turns out when the UK says “we’ll get tariff free imports from the EU when we leave” they really meant “we only get tariff free imports from the EU when we’re in the EU lol pranked ya.”
27:35: Did ten seconds of research and found no information on when Doctor Who started to do more frequent retakes of scenes.
39:40: Behold, the Lytton Symphonic Suite.
43:45: According to TV Tropes, the password is always “Swordfish”.
57:45: Yes Patrick Troughton really did want to play the Doctor in blackface.
1:05:55: Check out Triple Play: A Movie Trilogy Podcast, our movie trilogy podcast.
1:07:05: Supermarionation is a really fun word to say actually.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.

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Redux 8: I For One Welcome Our New Morpho Overlords (The Keys of Marinus)

Well we all knew this would happen.

The morphos are taking over the podcast, I’m (not) sorry to say. Honestly they’re probaly here to stay as well, they’ve been treating us pretty nicely so far, and haven’t done anything to hurt us. At least, not yet anyway. Well hear what they have to say on this exciting installment of Trust Your Doctor. It’s The Keys of Marinus, written by Terry Nation and aired in April and May of 1964.

1:22: The name of the patient at the mental hospital was Don Packard, and he played the Shopkeeper in Troll 2.
2:41: Our original episode on Keys of Marinus went out on February 16, 2014. You can check it out if you like.
5:50: You can find out first episode on Lexx over here at Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
8:59: The moon landing was actually broadcast in color, but only for missions after Apollo 11. So to break down the statement that people bought color TVs to watch the moon landing and were probably disappointed it was in black and white is probably true.
9:48: NASA has a neat little page about false color in Hubble Telescope images.
36:06: Some of you are probably desperately curious, so here, here’s deduction and grapes for you.
51:52: I’m pretty sure that the frozen whale blubber Kiyan is referring to here is Muktuk.
1:04:10: Kiyan seems to have forgotten about Raxacoricofallapatorius.
1:05:05: Here’s some information on The Big Lewbowski. And here’s some more information on The Dude.
1:07:35: The Tardis wiki actually has a page (to no one’s surprise, even though it’s a talk page) talking about Terry Nation and using variant’s of “Terr. Nt.” in his stories.
1:15:15: Couldn’t find a video of the town burning in A Fistful of Dollars, but here’s a random screncap of it, and you can always read about it on the Fistful of Dollars wikipedia page.
1:30:46: Be sure to check out Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Delia Derbyshire.

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342: M&Ms Exist (The Blood Line)

We’re not experienced M&Mologists, but we at least know that much.

I have a blood line, did you know that? It runs right through my arm. Look you can even see it sometimes, it’s blue and if you poke it this red liquid comes out. I only call it a blood line because that’s what everybody else calls it. I never really learned what it was in hindsight, so I’m glad Doctor Who and Torchwood are here to tell me. It’s The Blood Line, written by Russel T. Davies and Jane Espensen and aired on September 9, 2011.

2:13: Here’s Rex Matheson: List of Appearances for everyone who actually cares.
4:49: Our first episode on Lexx will go out this coming week, over at Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
7:12: Wow I can’t believe I actually found the Doctor Who Fanon wiki again.
12:10: The only wiki you ever need is the TARDIS wiki. Like here’s what they have to say about Mandarin. And here’s what they have to say about Chinese Dialects.
18:00: Christopher Eccleston really did say that we should just “blow up canon” and I 100% agree with him.
35:00: Barbara really did kill 4 Morphos in cold blood in the Keys of Marinus
39:49: Believe it or not, the plot of Robocop 2 involves Omnicorp trying to bankrupt Detroit so that they can buy it and take over.
41:29: The M&M’s wiki has a page on the Green M&M. Today I learned there’s an M&M’s wiki.
46:28: Believe it or not I actually did find the book. It’s called Torch, Wood & Peasants: Adventures in British Sci Fi and was written by Si Spencer under the pseudonym Webley Wildfoot.
58:52: Hell or High Water is an amazing movie and you should all go watch it even though I just spoiled it.
1:03:40: I think it’s just called a circle transition.
1:03:58: The dumbest controversies of 2021 was the one where people were upset that they redesigned Lola Bunny in Space Jam 2.
1:06:58: Yes, “king me” is from checkers.
1:16:22: Eminem was a celebrity on Earth. Chris de Burgh was a celebrity on Earth.
1:19:01: Yes they’re reviving iCarly, I know.
1:22:48: Here’s that list for you again: Keys of Marinus, Tomb of the Cybermen, The Daemons, Genesis of the Daleks, Enlightenment, Timelash, Survival

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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341: The Least Apocalyptic Apocalypse (The Gathering)

We are gathered here today to do a podcast.

Yes you heard that, we’re out here doing a podcast did you know that? We do it every week, you should subscribe! You can find us all over the internet it’s pretty great actually. Even on this very website, did you know that? It’s The Gathering, written by John Fay and aired on September 2, 2011.

1:57: Avengers: Endgame surprised audiences everywhere by having a 5 year time skip, implying that for 5 years Earth’s mightiest heroes just kind of  lay there and took it.
6:25: I could really go for some Jubilee Pizza right about now. I haven’t had store bought pizza in ages.
12:42: I only found 49 fics with both Esther and Jack in them . It seems 14 of them pair them up romantically. I must commend this fic in particular for 1) the weirdly inspired Lois Habiba/Esther Drummond ship and 2) being 3 times the length of the longest thing I’ve ever written. In other news Esther/Rex seems to be a popular pairing, and also I hate how much time I spent on this.
13:58: Just go read Frankenstein so you can understand all of Kiyan’s references.
15:23: I was gonna make a joke about cosmology vs cosmetology, but people take this way too seriously apparently and write whole articles about the two.
27:55: Check out Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast if you want to listen to us do what we’re doing here but for other shows. Like The Prisoner. Or The Prisoner (2009).
36:38: Harry Bosco is not a real process, and yes the first result on google is the Tardis wiki page for Harry Bosco.
37:44: People get into arguments over which translation is the best, for some reason. This is actually a bigger problem for the Bible more than anything.
38:30: I couldn’t find the exact quote by Murakami, but I did find this fascinating New Yorker Article about his works and the difference between Japanese and English translations of Japanese works.
45:02: The real antipode of Shangai is Los Charrúas. You can see the top ten closest cities/towns to the exact antipode here. (Editor’s note: They talk about this in the next episode.)
46:00: Ф
51:33: Winnie the Pooh ranks among the most profitable media franchises ever.
51:20: Yes, the soviet Winnie the Pooh movies really do exist, this wasn’t a joke.
52:45: Here’s that article on how much money Winnie the Pooh generates.
53:34: Here’s a list of highest grossing franchises where Kiyan is getting his numbers from.
53:48: Pokemon Jet.
54:58: Industry standard for a physics PhD is only 6 figures though.
57:38: Ego the Living Planet is actually in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, if you can believe it.
59:50: M’tower *tips hat*
1:00:09: Yeah the Eiffel Tower was never meant to be permanent, sorry to disappoint folks.
1:00:50: Smithsonian has a brief history of the Ferris Wheel and its relation to the Eiffel Tower.
1:08:23: Tardis wiki to the rescue! Knibbs!
1:09:47: Check out our movie trilogy podcast, Triple Play: A Movie Trilogy Podcast, if you want to listen to us talk about timeless classic cinematic masterpieces like Beverly Hills Chihuahua (which the episode for isn’t out yet, but we also watch other timeless classics like Troll 2).

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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340: The Biggest Troll in Torchwood History (The End of the Road)

You know, like a troll who lives under a bridge?

Doctor Who and Torchwood have had their share of trolls in our time, but this week just takes the cake. How can we sit here and listen to this absolute nonsense from someone so untrustworthy? And yet for some reason this is the job we decided to do, and this is the task we set before us. How disappointing. It’s The End of the Road, written by Ryan Scott and Jane Espensen and aired on August 26, 2011.

4:06: It’s just a prank, bro.
7:05: Here’s a site that looks like it was made in the late 90’s that has a lot of detail on the burning of “Atlanta” for Gone With the Wind.
8:20: A birthmark in your eye has an official name, actually, it’s called a “nevus.”
8:46: The Latin name of the immortal jellyfish is Turritopsis Dorhnii (as you’ll find out in a minute in the episode) and the Wikipedia page contains basically everything we know about them (not much).
9:20: Polyps are one of the developmental stages of jellyfish and some other creatures. The other stage is the medusa stage. Some members of the cnidaria phylum have both polyp and medusa stages and others only have one.
14:23: Ben Shapiro is a racist.
18:05: Kiyan is reading the Wikipedia page for electrocardiography here but I’m going to link a more expert source in mayo clinic’s ekg page.
27:15: According to our own list(s) of Doctor Who deaths, Kal was the one who died in An Unearthly Child.
27:57: I looked for five seconds and all I found on a blood covered Tickle-Me-Elmo was this 45 minute video. (Editor’s note: this isn’t what I was referencing.)
32:48: The US government notably never gets anything done in a reasonable amount of time, taking 8-10 months to even recognize that COVID was a problem. It’s so bad that the New York Times was even commenting on it… in 1979.
36:10: Fine… I’ll do it myself. (It was Age of Ultron)
47:41: This quote is not only from Watchmen, it’s basically the first scene in the movie.
50:35: It is required to vote in Australia, but as noted they make it really really easy. Voter turnout in the US is historically really, really bad.
51:57: Yes, Georgia really did restrict voting rights after the Democrats won both two senate seats and the presidential race there in 2020.
52:45: Here’s that gerrymandering puzzle if you want to learn how busted the US voting system is. Try to get to level 6. Here’s an article from about a year and a half ago about the worst examples of gerrymandering in the U.S.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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339: Which of the Hidden 8th Sins Are We Talking About? (Immortal Sins)

Love. Compassion. Kindness. There are plenty of hidden 8th sins to choose from, and that’s why, now more than ever, you need to specify. Speaking of things that are happening now more than ever, we’re now more than ever talking about Torchwood Miracle Day episode 7. We haven’t talked about it before, and sadly we probably never will again. Until we really run out of content and have to rewatch Torchwood or something. It’s Immortal Sins, written by Jane Espensen and aired on August 19, 2011.

1:49: Wikipedia lists only the episodes of The Walking Dead that have already aired (all 150 of them as of writing) whereas IMDB lists all episodes that have been commissioned and filmed.
5:32: This is the Telltale Walking Dead we were referring to here.
6:10: Polygon has an incredibly interesting deep dive into the problems Telltale Games faced that caused their downfall, including their long-standing refusal to update their engine. Also, the original Telltale is defunct now, but there’s a new Telltale in town.
8:37: For those interested in the history of the Italian mafia in New York, The Five Families is where you want to start.
9:14: Generally I wouldn’t link a Quora page, but Wikipedia has such a non-existent explanation for why “Mick” is a derogatory term for a person of Irish descent that in this case I will.
12:57: That Jordan Peele gif.
20:12: If you had told me when we started this podcast that I would be linking to the Wedding Crashers page on Wikipedia I would not believe you.
23:16: The Rams are LA and the Raiders are Vegas now, but they used to be located in Oakland California. The Bears are in Chicago. So are the Bulls, but they’re basketball.
41:08: Train A leaves a station in Chicago heading towards LA at 30 mph at Noon. Train B leaves LA at 3PM, heading towards Chicago traveling at 60 mph. The question is, at which point during this question did you realize that America’s rail system is pitiful compared to basically every other wealthy country in the world?
42:15: It’s a dot sight.
46:15: Two things, first off, who knew there was a sci-fi stack exchange? And secondly, why do they have an entire thread just on the question of “Who gave the shop-keeper Clara’s number?”
47:21: Here’s that Today I Found Out page about the phrase “to coin a phrase” that seems like it was clearly made just for this purpose.
48:01: You should rather check out for information on the phrase “to coin a phrase.”
1:01:56: It’s been 84 years.
1:03:00: NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and is just a dumb thing people with too much or too little time on their hands do when they’d rather write than tend to their other responsibilities.
1:04:04: As promised here’s the link to that dialect quiz. Actually this one is really fancy and maps out all of your dialect influences across the United States.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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338: I’ll Try To Remember, But I Probably Won’t (The Middle Men)

Is there a reason why after doing the podcast for so long we have literally no short term memory?

You ever heard that song? You know the one. “something something stuck in the middle with you.” The only official way to watch The Middle Men is to have that song playing just on constant repeat while watching. That’s it. That’s the official way to watch this episode, you heard it from us first. It’s The Middle Men, written by  and aired on August 12, 2011.

6:40: The Stargate Wiki mentions that Eric Steinberg is of Korean and “mixed European” descent with no source or citation.
11:20:Suicide is actually illegal in many countries around the world, but it does not seem like the punishment for attempting suicide is death. I cannot find concrete evidence that it ever was, actually.
12:54: I tried to find information on what jobs use a bell to end the work day and I couldn’t find anything! Have this part of the intro to The Flinstones about it instead.
17:18: This website has the most definitive guide to pronouncing Geraint, I’ve just decided right now.
21:21: The Pandemic has taken so much from us, not the least of which is what surely would have been the magnum opus of television history, the original fully filmed season 7 finale of The Blacklist.
24:58: The quote that I’m referring to was said by Aretha Franklin in reference to Taylor Swift. Can’t believe I mangled it that badly, but here’s the NPR review that quotes it.
26:05: You should check out our blog because we said so. Here is my concluding article on the Prisoner video game for the curious.
26:12: Be sure to check out Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast for all your obscure science-fiction television needs.
37:26: It’s called compassion fatigue and it’s actually a major problem in front-line workers right now due to COVID-19.
38:42: School shootings happen way too often to even cover adequately in the news anymore.
39:40: According to the CDC, the positive rate of  Influenza testing decreased 100 fold due to mask wearing, social distancing, and other COVID prevention measures.
51:18: As always, “Ianto Jones (19 August 1983-2009) was an ex-member of the ill-fated Torchwood One and a member of Torchwood Three, initially serving as more of a “support man” or “tea boy”, but later taking a more active role in missions.”
52:06: Vera’s page on the TARDIS wiki is no better than Ianto’s in terms of outlining her achievements.
53:53: Our Back Pockets has a solid post on the history of Be gay Do Crimes.
1:02:17: Here is the exact same link I provided last week talking about the Great Leap Forward and its use and connotation with the Chinese Communist Party.

Torchwood © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Torchwood title music was originally composed by Murray Gold. The version used in this episode was arranged by Murray Gold.

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