Firefly 13 – Heart of Gold

I don’t have a heart of gold, I have a heart of silver.

What is a heart of silver, you ask? Well I’m glad you’re curious because frankly I am too. What the hell does it mean to have a heart of silver? I just kind of made it up on the spot to try and be witty for the podcast, but I don’t think it’s working. In fact I’m literally making it worse the longer I keep talking so I’m going to stop now. It’s Heart of Gold, written by Brett Matthews and aired on August 19, 2003.

3:52: Somehow I googled “I’m down Seinfeld” and found out it was apparently in a bunch of episodes, so here’s a random clip of “Alright, I’m down” from a random episode.
6:07: Did Brett Matthews do more than just get Joss Whedon coffee? Decide for yourself.
6:53: Here’s the interview with Bret Matthews. He doesn’t say anything about being Whedon’s assistant.
7:28: We talked about Gold over on Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast, our Blake’s 7 podcast.
8:32: How long do you think it’ll be until our show-notes are just 50 notes referring to other episodes of our own podcast? Well anyway, we watched Once Upon a Time in the West on Triple Play: A Movie Trilogy Podcast, our movie trilogy podcast. Here’s the first scene of Once Upon a Time in the West by the way. Pretty good scene. Shoutout to whoever uploaded it to Vimeo.
10:15: Here’s the full soundtrack to Once Upon a Time in the West if you have one hour, five minutes, and six second to kill.
15:07: Ever closer to the singularity, check out Trust Your Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast, our Doctor Who podcast.
18:52: A remarkably prescient slip given what happens “Next Week on Firefly.” (Hint: it’s a deleted scene involving incest.)
24:21: Bolo ties are actually very fashionable, ok? (Editor’s note: nah.)
25:48: Yes, yes I do.
41:33: 9. Hide your kids, hide your wife is nine years old.
47:37: Not sure wtf I was even talking about here because she doesn’t even die in the episode. Lmao.
58:29: Interestingly, this is the Firefly episode I’ve gutted the most audio out of for Inevitable. A solid 10-11 minutes.
59:53: I don’t even know where to start looking deciding what exactly I’ll link for this so I’ll let Wikipedia tell you all about Milton.
1:14:13: Jesus Christ, it’s Jason Bourne.
1:21:00: Here you go, go and learn about one of the weirdest planes still in service: the V-22.
1:22:21: Hugh Laurie also filmed this audition tape in a bathroom in a hotel in Africa, if I recall correctly.

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348: Stick With Me Here, But John Cena as the Master (Survivors of the Flux)

Trust Your Doctor normally has insane ideas, but this time they’ve gone too far.

We’re rapidly closing in on the end of possibly the whirl windiest season of Doctor Who ever written. It’s bizarre, it’s amazing, it’s huge. It’s everything you ever wanted from a Doctor Who story. Or at least, that’s what the boys over at Trust Your Doctor think. I mean, really, what else could it be? It’s Survivors of the Flux, written by Chris Chibnall and aired on November 28, 2021.

0:26: Didn’t look up how to pronounce Azhur Saleem’s name. Sorry.
1:35: Here’s your Spotify wrapped! How did I do that? Well. Magicians never reveal their secrets. (Editor’s note: he just linked directly to it.)
2:22: You can actually listen to our Revolution of the Daleks episode over here.
3:17: Check out our Blake’s 7 podcast, Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast, and help it do even better than any of our currently running podcasts.
4:00: It’s actually Justin underscore does underscore art: @justin_does_art.
6:21: Check out our other podcasts too: Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast and Triple Play: A Movie Trilogy Podcast.
5:02: You can actually see every episode of our podcasts we released in 2021 on our website, since I normally tag posts/episodes by their release year.
12:34: The word wizard has been ruined forever.
17:55: For those as interested in the behind the scenes as much as I am, here’s the BTS video from John Bishop’s twitter.
20:07: Check out the best episode of Triple Play: A Movie Trilogy Podcast: the Fred Trilogy episode.
21:40: I was shocked to discover that this tweet/instagram post was a damn month ago. Anyway, good news is I found the tweet where someone showed that Vin made himself bigger than The Rock.
27:02: Norse mythology in general is pretty fascinating, but Yggdrasil itself is one of the most interesting things in it. (Editor’s note: I have no idea why Dylan is so interested in Norse mythology all of a sudden.)
28:30: Don’t worry Fandango Movieclips is here to remind you of the fridge scene in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
36:39: I don’t remember what episode this was, probably the one we recorded the week I discovered it. Surprise, Dylan didn’t cut it out.
43:04: Worry not, we haven’t forgotten that this is an audio only medium. Here’s the shot we’re talking about.
45:58: The Killing Joke, a seminal comic classic.
53:37: I like when Kiyan says he’ll put things in the show-notes, because it means I don’t have to. (Editor’s note: was this just a random comment? I didn’t say anything to this effect around this timestamp, so whatever.)
57:33: Was this the thing the last show note was referring to? Chris Chibnall’s villain origin story? For some reason I can’t find a better quality upload of it in full anymore. There definitely used to be one on youtube.
1:03:25: I forgot where I read the US department of defense uses VHS tapes, but I can’t find any other information along this line, so it’s probably wrong.
1:05:30: We’re gonna talk about John Barrowman for a while, so I think it best to link an article that gives a good overview of the allegations against him for those who aren’t in the loop.
1:22:00 The four books in the Eragon series are as follows: Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance.
1:23:52: There was, I kid you not, twenty seconds of stunned silence to this revelation that I cut out.
1:26:55: “The last thing I have to say…” *looks at timestamp*
1:34:53: I couldn’t find this. 🙁
1:35:58: As promised, here’s the article from Steven’s email.
1:37:31: The Invasion wasn’t split up by anything. The Daleks’ Master Plan was bisected by The Feast of Steven (the greatest Doctor Who Christmas special) though.
1:39:35: It must have been fun before we revealed this on the podcast to imagine that our show-notes person sometimes seemed to have multiple personalities. For a fun game, try guess who wrote this show-note.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Segun Akinola.

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Firefly 12 – The Message

I’m sending out an SOS.

I hope that someone gets my message in a bottle. Yeah I just quoted a Police song in the podcast description. What are you gonna do about it? That’s right, nothing cuz the version of me that wrote this is long moved past this joke by the time you read this. It’s The Message, written by Joss Whedon and Tim Minear and aired on July 15, 2003.


2:01: Check out Trust Your Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast, our Doctor Who podcast.
4:21: For everybody else who doesn’t know who Jerry Bruckheimer is, Wikipedia is here to help.
7:01: Damn…
7:22: As I’m about to discover, Iron Man is actually a Black Sabbath song, not an AC/DC song.
8:52: DOCTOR WHOOOO HEY. Doctor Who.
9:30: Movements in Film has more information on the Kuleshov effect if you’re curious. And why wouldn’t you be?
20:07: There are Firefly Novels being published in 2021, and one of them prominently features Jayne’s knit cap.
21:20: Here’s the Cowboy Bebop wiki page on the episode Kiyan is talking about.
22:35: Cowboy Bebop actually takes place in 2071, so I was 1 year off. Sue me.
23:52: Much Ado About Nothing, 2012.
25:00: Joss Whedon’s Much Ado About Nothing Isn’t Much of Anything at All. Enjoy this Wired article you freaks.
31:30: I really did google it, and the second result that came up is this Discover article on removing someone’s amygdala.
46:42: The reference is to Robocop. I don’t know why I keep making Robocop references.
51:24: I watched an ok-ish movie about this years ago called Buried.
1:06:15: I believe this is the page that Kiyan is looking at for this character age information. (Editor’s note: yep)
1:13:35: A kind piratey soul uploaded the video of the Toy Story 2 bloopers to YouTube.

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347: I Regret Nothing and I Don’t Take it Back (Village of the Angels)

Well, I suppose it was worth a shot trying to get him to take it back. (Editor’s note: No.)

We somehow went this entire episode without making a “Children of the Stones” joke. Can you believe that? I can’t believe that. We made a dozen of those jokes while we were watching the episode, so the fact that we didn’t make a single one in the episode is a little shocking. It’s Village of the Angels, written by Chris Chibnall and Maxine Alderton and aired on November 21, 2021.

3:05: I couldn’t find out exactly when they finished Flux specifically, but I read that Jodie and Mandip wrapped the final special in October. Here’s a handy dandy timeline of the entire season’s + specials production schedule.
4:33: Here’s the article explaining why Doctor Who is apparently banned in China. Apparently the ban has something to do with treating history seriously, which I guess the Chinese government says that shows like Doctor Who don’t. Weird but hey. The article also reminded me that Winnie the Pooh is also censored in China. Lmao.
6:40: Here’s the “bloody good story” and “absolutely brilliant” tweets for ya.
11:40: Devon is a county in the south west of the UK.
16:19: Kiyan and I are referencing Geraint Cooper, from Torchwood.
18:06: Here’s a clip in case you forgot what an Ood vomiting out its brain looked like.
24:17: Kiyan probably could not find the phrase “There is no planet called Time” in the Halloween Apocalypse transcript, because the phrase was actually said in War of the Sontarans.
31:42: From Chakoteya: “JERICHO: Oh, I’ve seen many things beyond my comprehension, Doctor. I was one of the first British soldiers into Belsen at the end of the war. If you think a few stone statues will destroy my equilibrium you are mistaken. What do you need me to do?” Bergen-Belsen (or just Belsen) was a concentration camp.
32:20: I will never find this tweet but I don’t even care to defend this tweet.
33:15: Sorry for linking to Daily Mail, but they had the best picture of Jodie Whittaker looking miserable at the beach.
35:55: Here’s the tweet from the official BBC account of the angels and their scar, for all you fanatics to compare to.
48:47: Don’t worry, Know Your Meme comes through once again.
48:51: And here’s the link to the monkey puppet meme. I made this reference on our latest episode of Inevitable: A Classic Sci Fi Podcast, where we talked about the Firefly episode, Trash.
50:45: Check out our classic sci-fi podcast, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast.
53:18: We covered assignment 3 of Sapphire and Steel like a year ago.
54:35: From Out of the Rain. Yeah, I’m linking Wikipedia for this and not tardis.fandom.com What are you gonna do about it?
59:29: We regretfully covered The Predator on our soon-to-be-defunct movie trilogy podcast, Triple Play: A Movie Trilogy Podcast.
1:01:07: Be sure to listen to listen to our episode on movie trilogies over on Triple Play: A Predator Podcast. This has to be the most useless show-note I’ve ever written.
1:29:55: We also have an episode on Pirates of the Caribbean over on Triple Play.
1:35:25: Check out Flight Through Entirety.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Segun Akinola.

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Firefly 11 – Trash

Something something wish dot com tactical jacket.

Look I’ll give it to you straight doc, I don’t know what to write here. I could make a bunch of jokes about trash but Kiyan made most of them in the episode. Ok so did I, I made a bunch of those jokes too. So it seems kind of overplayed now, I don’t want to beat the dead horse, you know? This nonsense late night rambling will have to do for you. It’s Trash, written by Ben Edlund and Jose Molina and aired on June 28, 2003.

0:52: Wow my accent really came out here for some reason.
1:36: Here’s the same article I linked a few weeks ago indicating that Firefly was rerun.
6:01: Some hero uploaded the opening scene of Breaking Bad to YouTube so we can confirm this for you.
7:10: fornoob dot com has some more information on Mal’s tattoo. Apparently Nathan Fillion got it when he was young and now regrets it. Lmao sucks.
12:41: Check out Trust Your Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast, our Doctor Who podcast.
15:40: Check out Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast, our Blake’s 7 podcast.
25:50: Ron Glass actually died in 2016. Damn.
33:44: Russell Madden comes through with the transcript of the episode.
43:34: Why am I the one always linking random memes in the show-notes. It’s apparently actually a monkey puppet.
54:24: Here’s our episode on Blake’s 7’s Breakdown on our Blake’s 7 podcast Zenith: A Blake’s 7 Podcast.

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346: Negative Progress (Once, Upon Time)

1 step forward, 23597908945832974317590327591375932175 steps back.

Have you ever seen that Disney Christmas special, “Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmas?” I remember owning it on DVD as a kid, but I actually for some reason remember thinking that the sequel, “Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas” was better. I don’t know why I remember this. I’m not sure anybody else even agrees with me. It’s Once, Upon Time, written by Chris Chibnall and aired on November 14, 2021.

1:07: Dylan (I) obviously meant “John perTWEE and Joffery Beevers.” Also, the guy whose name we mispronounced for the entirety of The Prisoner (on Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast) was George Markstein.
15:02: It is actually called the uvula, I was being serious!
34:32: Tamagotchis still exist, so if you want one for yourself you can easily go and get one now. (Editor’s note: so do the Digimon v-pets.)
35:16: I’ve tried to find a reference for Box before with no avail, so I’ll see if Kiyan wants to try. (Editor’s note: I don’t know what this means, but check out Triple Play: A Movie Trilogy Podcast.)
36:13: The “The World If” meme.
36:34: The title of Episode 5 was even “Three End” because we made a pun off the future name of Triple Play.
45:05: Spoilers for two minutes from now, I’m talking about Brendan. (Editor’s note: why was this necessary? Also check out Flight Through Entirety.)
1:03:20: Don’t worry, Wikipedia will hook you up with information on Keyser Söze.
1:05:25: Not the same director, or even writer actually. Easy to get confused though.
1:17:17: Here’s that Keys of Marinus Revisited episode for you. Funny that “Three End” also covered Keys of Marinus. Is Flux a secret Keys of Marinus remake? (Editor’s note: no.)
1:25:30: Check out Firefly on Inevitable.
1:26:02: I’m reading from How Angles Really Look, so go and read about some more terrifying angels.
1:29:10: I put on my robe and wizard hat. You’re welcome.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Segun Akinola.

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Firefly 10 – War Stories

If I could have titled this episode, it would have been titled “The Absolution of Jayne Cobb” (Editor’s note: I like “Toiling Down Memory Lane” better.)

Once upon a time I fought in a war. I mean, not really. I couldn’t even comprehend what it would be like to fight in a war. I’m actually a vehement pacifist. That last statement is true, by the way, I didn’t make it up for this sort of pseudo-story I’m telling in the episode description. It’s War Stories, written by Cheryl Cain and aired on December 6, 2002

1:16: I’d actually highly recommend checking out All That Jazz, it’s great.
12:28: It was me James, the author of All Your Pain.
12:55: I jerked you off at superspeed!
23:25: You can go back and find that discussion in our episode on Serenity.
26:15: Yeah, they were ghillie suits.
31:36: Ok, fine, you’ve twisted my arm. I’ll link to How The Grinch Stole Christmas. (Editor’s note: why? Also check out Trust Your Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast, our Doctor Who Podcast, to hear us talk about Doctor Who.)
33:53: Christianity.com says that “masturbation is the result of sin”, not that masturbation is a sin itself. The guy I was talking about here was Onan. He kinda screwed in this whole debate honestly. For a potentially more “neutral” view on the topic, you can check wikipedia’s Religious Views on Masturbation.
37:44: GORE WARNING. Here’s the paper with surgical pictures of a reattached ear.
38:55: Here, go ahead, I know you wanted the article about reattaching someone’s genitals.
39:37: See show-note 37:44.
40:36: Couldn’t really find anything outright saying literati is a derogatory term, but considering what literati means I can definitely see it being used that way.
45:01: Fun fact, The Power and the Glory was apparently first published in the US under a different name.
46:20: For some reason the only video I could find of the ending to Bourne Identity included the entire credits. Also, check out our Bourne episode over on Triple Play: A Movie Trilogy Podcast, our movie trilogy podcast.
47:41: This is probably an overgeneralization, but oh well. Here’s Graham Greene’s bibliography by the way. Also the book we were talking about here takes place around/during the Cristero War, but there is a long history of religious suppression in Mexico.
52:46: A lot of Bond references this week. I’m referencing No Time to Die here, and I won’t link this scene or even try to find it because it’s still in theatres when this goes out and that’d probably be piracy.
1:04:09: Check out our first episode on Doctor Who: Flux here.
1:06:01: Check out how Firefly did in the ratings here on Wikipedia.
1:06:11: I regretfully link you to Lexx on Inevitable.
1:08:12: Here, no worries, future Dylan here to link you the TV Tropes page.
1:13:15: Flatland is also based on a book from 1884. How prescient. (Editor’s note: what?)
1:17:56: Dylan neglected to put the link that Steven provided here, but I’m guessing he was referring to this Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories commercial. The song is “Simple and Clean” by Utada Hikaru.
1:18:04: Check out the M4trix episode over on Delayed Replay.

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345: Flux Repellent Shields (War of the Sontarans)

Come one, come all, come and see the magical flux repellent shields on the Luparian fleet.

Flux repellent sounds like some sort of AXE body spray knock off. Did the UK have the phase where every middle schooler ever wore AXE? Cuz we certainly had it over here in the US and some might argue that we never really even escaped that period even tho we like to think we did. That’s neither here nor there though. It’s War of the Sontarans, written by Chris Chibnall and aired on November 7, 2021.

4:17: I’m not gonna link all the random Doctor Who stories that we reference here. You’re listening to a Doctor Who podcast, I’m pretty sure you know what we’re referencing.
9:53: In case you forgot what the HADS is, here’s the TARDIS wiki page on the HADS. I had(s) also forgotten about it until now
12:04: Here’s the Wikipedia page on The Crimean War if you’re curious and know as little about it as we did.
12:50: Mary Jane Seacole was a British-Jamaican nurse and businesswoman who also has an extensive wikipedia page.
22:28: The TARDIS wiki conveniently used an image of the exact scene Kiyan was referring to for the Armageddon Factor.
28:23: And including Alaska.
37:14: It’s just “Crimea” according to Wikipedia.
38:39: The etymology of Russia is actually pretty well documented on sites like etymonline and a bunch of others. I don’t remember seeing any of this info years ago. It comes from Rus, the name of ancient people who lived in/settled in the area. The etymology of “Rus” is a little more up for debate though according to wiki.
40:25: I was unclear in what my point was here. What I wanted to say was whether or not you considered the entire USSR as “Russia” or just the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic as “Russia”. It’s like, when you say “America” do you mean only the states, or do you include Puerto Rico?
49:15: Here’s the link to that post, on the official Doctor Who Facebook page.
51:53: SyFy actually claims directly that Doctor Who influenced The Matrix.
57:00: They look a lot like Eldrad, truly.
1:01:1: The Kuleshov Effect, enjoy. Also check out our classic sci-fi podcast, Inevitable: A Classic Sci-Fi Podcast, where we talked about this in more detail at some point or another.
1:06:53: Keep an Eye on Dan, he can get a little out of hand.
1:11:15: God damn we referenced a lot of other Doctor Who episodes this week.
1:16:58: Remember that you will one day die, obviously, just like the rest of us. Memento Mori.
1:18:00: Ok I’ll link the 11th Doctor’s regeneration for you.
1:36:48: Wikipedia has an in-depth history of Halloween. The modern holiday has a number of origins, but yeah, it’s basically of European origin. One of the quotes on the page is from an old book published like 100 years ago: “All Halloween customs in the United States are borrowed directly or adapted from those of other countries.”
1:39:04: Yes, Icelandic is the closest you’ll get to Old Norse.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Segun Akinola.

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Firefly 9 – Ariel

Yeah, just to confirm, I still think of the font when I read this title.

The font is actually spelled totally differently, you know. It’s spelled like Arial, whereas this episode actually is spelled like the name of the little mermaid, Ariel. Just wanted to make sure I put that information out into the world. It’s Ariel, written by Jose Molina and aired on November 15, 2002

1:38: No, I will not tell you who I know on Greenleaf.
2:06: Here’s a picture of Jose Molina. Not to be confused with the baseball player, of course.
13:19: I actually thought about linking Robin Hood here, but if you don’t know who or what Robin Hood is then… come on, you know?
15:50: A surprisingly small amount of people actually realize that Ocean’s Eleven is a remake of a movie from 1960. We also talked about the original O11 on Triple Play.
28:57: Interstingly, House actually began airing after Firefly. Not that we were saying this was a direct and explicit reference or anything.
38:52: Speaking of Doctor Who, Doctor Who is back with Doctor Who: Flux! Check out our coverage of Doctor Who: Flux on our Doctor Who podcast, Trust Your Doctor: A Doctor Who Podcast.
40:42: Wikipedia has all the TV Parent’s Guide ratings documented pretty well.
57:37: Hear more of our unpopular opinions on Ocean’s 11/12/13 on Triple Play episode.

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344: The Luparian Steve Jobs (The Halloween Apocalypse)

Does every culture have a Steve Jobs analogue?

This episode, both the TV episode and our podcast episode, are a little bit chaotic. We drop a lot of theories on this episode, amazingly they’re all probably going to be wrong. At the same time, can yo believe that? I can. We’re known for it at this point. (Just kidding). Anyway, it’s The Halloween Apocalypse, written by Chris Chibnall and aired on October 31, 2021.

0:40: I might as well link the Marco Polo episode for all you Trust Your Doctor historians.
1:30: Dylan originally had a note here telling himself to listen to our episode on The Chase to see if we watched it together. Well, I(Kiyan)’m too lazy for that, so “trust me bro.”
4:50: Yeah The Big Bang wiped out the Doctor Who universe and rebuilt it.
7:08: Pair bonding is not what I meant to say here.
8:47: “Slow burn.”
9:5: It took us 10 minutes before we referenced Christopher Eccleston blowing up canon. I thought this was a new record but in our Survival episode we took only 5 and a half minutes.
11:27: Jane Baker is not, in fact, alive and kicking. She died in 2014.
13:47: Fear not dear listener, the wikipedia page for cold opens is here to save the day.
16:37: The TARDIS wiki of all places has a page on the ARG. I forgot that the “prize” was just a picture of the Doctor. lol. (Editor’s note: wait really? Ahahahahahahaha lmao.)
19:48: List of British Monarchs. Best wikipedia page, 2021.
23:24: For all our American fans, here’s some info on Liverpool FC. Arsenal is from London.
26:43: I will not link this.
29:29: Tom Clancy died in 2013.
35:00: Googling “JFK jr resurrection” has probably ruined my search history but I did it for you.
45:50: This is so wizard, Ani.
54:23: This is not going to go the way you think.
57:46: Here’s the Cloister Bell page on the TARDIS wiki in case you wanted to look yourself.
1:16:38: Bernard’s statement is sourced from a tweet because it was said live on TV.
1:18:55: You all remember the War Chief? Good times.
1:32:50: Here, you can watch the opening scene to Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets for yourself.
1:33:15: We talked about Taken a while ago over on Triple Play.

Doctor Who © The BBC
Any other references belong to their respective owners, no copyright infringement is intended by this podcast.
The Doctor Who title music was originally composed by Ron Grainer. The version used in this episode was arranged by Segun Akinola.

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